We are a collective of people learning about applying digital in practice and learning how to develop digital skills by making.

Meet the team

Laura Morris

I’m a Content Designer for Natural Resources Wales. I aim to write user centred content that helps people find what they need on our website, quickly and easily.

Lucinda Pierce - Digital Content Officer

Writers block sufferer

Owain Jenkins

Digital (Technical) Officer for Natural Resources Wales. Manage the day to day BAU on boh the website and Intranet. Assisting the team and wider staff of the technical side of the content on the pages and advising on accessibility for both web content (including website functionality) and documents.

Sam Evans

I’m a content designer at Natural Resource Wales (NRW). I work in teams across NRW on improving services for users and solving messy content problems.

I’m looking forward to exploring, learning, making and reflecting.

Meet the associates

Alaw John

I am the Welsh translator at CDPS. I translate the organisations’ material, I educate people on why we comply with Welsh language Standards, and try to improve the Welsh language services across the country.

Since joining CDPS in August, I’ve learnt something new every day. Labs is no exception. It’s an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone, immerse myself in new learnings, gain knowledge and create new connections with different people.

Colm Britton - Designer

I am here to help people experience digital service delivery by making things

I hope to learn about the content and sessions we have created. If they work for people. If people like them and learn things. And what we should change.

I’m @colmbritton on Twitter and have a semi-neglected site at colmjude.com.

Gabi Mitchem-Evans

I am a Senior User Researcher at CDPS, it’s my role to make things user-centred. Within labs I aim to share some light-touch ways for teams to apply research and design to their work, and help them put people at the heart of problem solving.

I am excited to learn more about what the problems look like on the ground and how ‘making’ can give people tools to put UCD into practice!

You can follow me on Twitter here

Gwen Henderson

I’m a content designer at CDPS working in the Learn by making/Dysgu trwy greu team. I’m helping run this lab experiment to see how people can learn by making rather than in a traditional training environment.

I’m cheesecake_b on Twitter.

Jamie Arnold

I’m leading the Learn by Making lab experiment for CDPS. I’m interested in whether it’s possible to create an environment where people can come together to learn by making things.

I’m @itsallgonewrong on Twitter and I write the occasional work related stuff at https://jamiearnold.com

Matt Lucht

I’m a delivery shaped person working with CDPS on the Labs project.

I’m interested to see how whether the idea of a series of practical, hands-on labs sessions will provide a useful learning experience, and what is needed to ensure these ways of working survive going back into the day-by-day working.

You can find me on twitter and cringe at my record collection

Poppy Evans

I am Associate Delivery Manager at CDPS. My role involves delivery management in projects, specifically projects which are Welsh public sector based and aim to develop and improve public services in Wales. I am currently training to be a delivery manager and am learning about agile working and project management. By attending Labs I aim to improve my knowledge of working agile & project management skills. I also aim to work collaboratively with a team to develop a product and use this experience to apply agile working principles and methods that I am learning about. I am interested in learning about how to develop a user based product.

Sîana Mainwaring

I am an Associate Delivery Manager at CDPS. It is a heavily training based role and it is the first role I am undertaking in Agile, as well as digital. I hope to gain a lot of knowledge from labs especially on getting into the Agile mindset, and how to lead a team well.

You can find me on LinkedIn